Prepare for my test
About test precautions
It's important to follow the instructions before certain tests, as it may affect the result of the test
We are committed to being the most helpful lab service in Egypt.
Tests Requiring an Appointment
Most visits to our lab do not require appointments. Tests that usually require you to make an appointment include:

- Oral Glucose Tolerance Tests (GTTs)
- Lactose and Xylose
- Urea Breath Tests for Helicobacter Pylori
- Breath Alcohol Testing
- Sputum Culture
- NIPT Test
- Bone Marrow Aspiration
Tests required fasting
NOTE: It is recommended that you fast (no food, including chewing gum, or drink other than water) for a minimum of 10 hours prior to your visit for the following tests:
- Glucose
- Oral Glucose Tolerance (GTT)
- Lactose Tolerance
- Cholesterol
- HDL Cholesterol
- LDL Cholesterol
- Triglyceride
- Homocysteine
NOTE: the best time to have a fasting-blood test is the first thing in the morning. If you get a full seven- to eight-hour night's sleep and show up at the lab in the morning, it's likely you won't even notice that you haven't eaten.
Urine samples
- Urine samples should reach our laboratory within two hours of collection
- The first morning urine should be collected. If not, the urine should be held in the bladder as long as possible before collection. (Fresh mid stream sample)
Follow these directions carefully to provide a suitable sample:
- Patients must abstain from intercourse for 2-7 days prior to testing.
- DO NOT use a condom.
- Collect ALL seminal fluid into sterile container provided, as greatest concentration of sperm is found in first portion of ejaculate.
- Clearly label the container with your full name, date and time of collection.
Stool Sample
Bring the sample to the lab within 2 hour of collection. If you are unable to deliver the sample within 2 hour, the sample may be refrigerated for up to 8 hours.
Follow these directions carefully to provide a suitable sample:
- Clearly label containers with your full name and date of collection.
- Collect feces in a dry, clean container such as a chamber pot, plastic bag, plastic jar, and wide mouth jar.
- Avoid stool contact with urine or toilet water.
- Add a teaspoonful of feces to the special container immediately after bowel movement.
- Select bloody or mucous-covered areas if seen.
- Screw cap tightly onto container.
- Return container to the lab as soon as possible.
Semen analysis
Urine samples should reach our laboratory within two hours of collection
Follow these directions carefully to provide a suitable sample:
- Clearly label containers with your full name and date of collection.
- Wash and dry hands thoroughly.
- It is necessary to wash only the area from which you pass urine with soap.
- Do not touch the inner surface of the container
- Pass a small amount of urine into the toilet, then collect in container.
- Secure container tightly.
NOTE: For fertility testing, analysis must be performed within one hour of collection.
24-hour urine
- Stool specimens for culture must be collected in a special container.
- The containers required to collect suitable samples are provided from the lab.
Follow these directions carefully to provide a suitable sample:
NOTE: This procedure must be followed without deviation since the results provided to the clinician depend on the accuracy of timing and the collection of the entire 24-hour specimen.
- The containers required to collect suitable samples are provided at our laboratory
- Do not remove any tablets or other preservatives that are in the bottles.
- Clearly label container with your full name.
- In the morning, completely empty the bladder into the toilet as usual.
- This specimen is NOT collected for testing.
- Write “collection started” and time and date in appropriate space on container label.
- Add all urine passed over the next 24 hours to container, Always place urine into container immediately.
- The following morning, exactly 24 hours later (to the hour) empty bladder completely and add final specimen to container.
- This final addition completes the 24-hour collection period started the day before.
- Keep collection bottle in cool place or refrigerate.
- Return 24-hour collection as soon as possible to the laboratory.